Professional conduct and discipline for Victorian architects

To protect the public, architects must conduct themselves in a professional manner and comply with a range of legal obligations. The ARBV may investigate an architect's conduct and may refer architects to the Architects Tribunal.

Investigations and referrals

If we receive a complaint about an architect's conduct or if we suspects an architect has done something wrong, we can investigate the architect's conduct.

An investigation typically takes at least 3 months. We will typically request information from various sources during an investigation, including documents from the:

  • architect
  • their clients
  • contractors
  • local councils
  • other regulators.

If we find evidence that an architect has done something wrong, we may refer the architect to the Architects Tribunal for an inquiry.

Find out more about the Architects Tribunal.

Conduct that may be investigated

We can investigate an architect if we suspect the architect has:

  • engaged in unprofessional conduct
  • been careless or incompetent in their practice
  • failed to meet the professional standards expected of architects in Victoria
  • breached or failed to comply with the Architects Act 1991
  • breached or failed to comply with section 16(4) of the Building Act 1993
  • breached or failed to comply with section 16(4A) of the Building Act 1993 – this only applies if the architect is the builder named in the building permit
  • been convicted of an indictable offence in Victoria (or committed an offence elsewhere, that would be considered an indictable offence if they committed it in Victoria)
  • obtained registration by fraud, misrepresentation, or concealing facts.

Information gathering powers

While we will typically request information or documents in the first instance, it may use its information gathering powers based on the assessed risk.

Subject to section 17B of the Act, the ARBV has the power to compel the production of information or documents:

  • if it has reasonable grounds to suspect that an architect has breached the Act or Regulations
  • to determine whether the Act or Regulations have been complied with
  • to assist in the enforcement of any profession conduct and practice standard
  • to assist it in determining whether an architect's professional conduct or fitness to practice should be referred to the Architects Tribunal.

Penalties apply for refusal to comply with a notice requiring production of information or documents without a reasonable excuse.

Architects Disciplinary Register

See the Architects Disciplinary Register to check if an architect has been the subject of a determination by the Architects Tribunal.


Victorian Architects Code of Professional Conduct 

Standards for the professional conduct and practice of architects can be found at schedule 1 of the Architects Regulations 2015 (pg 26-34).

