Strategic directions

The ARBV Strategic Plan 2022-26 guides our activities and how we prioritise our resources to achieve the ARBV's mission.

The ARBV Strategic Plan 2022-26 guides our activities and how we prioritise our resources to achieve the ARBV's mission. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity in the professional practice of architecture and engaging with architects, consumers and government to enhance the quality and safety of the built environment for all Victorians.

Knowledge, capability and excellence

To support architects in the delivery of professional services for the benefit of the community and advancement of the industry.

Community understanding

To build community understanding of the role of architects and the ARBV.

Trusted regulator

To demonstrate ARBVs value as a trusted regulator, supporting the delivery of a high-quality built environment.

Culture and outcomes

To drive positive outcomes for consumers by promoting a professional culture of accountability among architects.
