Role of the ARBV

We regulate Victoria's architectural industry, including the registration of architects, company and partnership approvals, and complaints about architects' conduct.

Our role

Established in 1923, the ARBV administers the Architects Act 1991 (Vic)(opens in a new window) (‘the Act’) and Architects Regulations 2015 (Vic)(opens in a new window).

The Act establishes the framework for the regulation of architects in Victoria and has as its purposes to:

  • provide for the registration of architects
  • provide for the approval of partnerships and companies providing architectural services
  • regulate the professional conduct of architects
  • provide a procedure for handling complaints against architects
  • regulate the use of the terms 'architect', 'architectural services', 'architectural design services' and 'architectural design'
  • establish the Architects Registration Board of Victoria.

Our vision

The ARBV's vision is for a well-designed, liveable and safe built environment for Victorians.

Our mission

We will engage, educate and regulate to ensure architectural services in Victoria are delivered according to high professional standards and contribute to improved building outcomes for the benefit of the community.

Services for architects in Victoria

Victoria's architects use the ARBV to:

  • register as an individual architect in Victoria
  • seek approval for their company or partnership
  • understand their compliance requirements.

Services for the Victorian community

The Victorian community can use the ARBV to:

  • understand what architects do and their professional responsibilities
  • make a complaint about an architect's professional conduct.

Our core functions


Responsible for registration related activities including assessing and determining applications for registration. Find out more about pathways to registration with the ARBV

Complaints and Investigation

Responsible for administering compliance obligations set out in the Architects Act 1991. Find out more about conduct responsibilities for Victorian architects.

Architecture accreditation program

One of the ARBV's responsibilities is to accredit architectural programs in Victoria, including courses and programs delivered by universities.

To register as an architect in Victoria, you must have completed an accredited architecture program.

View the list of accredited architectural programs(opens in a new window) in Australia and New Zealand.

Our values

The ARBV's work is underpinned by 7 values:

  • accountability
  • human rights
  • impartiality
  • integrity
  • leadership
  • respect
  • responsiveness.

Our organisational structure

ARBV organisation structure (as at 30 June 2024)


  • Download' ARBV organisation structure (as at 30 June 2024)'
