Experienced Practitioner Assessment

If you are registered as an architect overseas or you have worked with complex projects and have a relevant architectural qualification, you may be able to take the Experienced Practitioner Assessment pathway to register in Victoria.

Victoria's architectural profession includes architects who have previously practised in other parts of Australia or overseas. Even with relevant experience, you must register with the ARBV to work as an architect in Victoria.

The Experienced Practitioner Assessment (EPA) is the pathway for applicants who have experience in Australia or overseas, working at an executive level on complex projects.

Find out more about AACA's Experienced Practitioner Assessment program.

If you are registered overseas

If you are qualified and registered as an architect in another country, you can apply to the Architects Accreditation Council of Australia's (AACA’s) Experienced Practitioner Assessment (Overseas Practitioners). This program is administered by the AACA on behalf of the ARBV. Once you complete the EPA program, you can apply to register with the ARBV.

Application criteria

You must:

  • hold a professional qualification in architecture (5 years or equivalent)
  • have 7 years' relevant professional post-graduate experience (3 years minimum experience in complex projects)
  • have 12 months' professional experience in Australia within the last 3 years
  • be a resident of Australia
  • be proficient in English (if English is not your first language).

View the Experienced Practitioner Assessment (Overseas Practitioners) Guide.

If you have experience working in Australia

If you have an Australian accredited qualification, you can apply to the AACA’s Experienced Practitioner Assessment (Local Practitioners). This program is administered by the AACA on behalf of the ARBV. Once you complete the EPA program, you can apply to register with the ARBV.

Application criteria

You must:

  • hold a professional Australian qualification in architecture (minimum length 5 years)
  • have 7 years' relevant professional post-graduate experience (3 years minimum experience in complex projects)
  • have 12 months' professional experience in Australia within the last 3 years
  • be a resident of Australia.

View the Experienced Practitioner Assessment (Local Practitioners) Guide
